Can not get -bip to work
Lars-Erik Helander
2014-01-13 18:52:09 UTC
I am trying to assign a specific ip network to be used for containers using
the -bip option when starting the docker daemon.
The docker program (version 0.7.3) do not assign containers with ipadresses
from the network specified via the bip command.
Could anyone provide a working example where the bip option is used?

Jérôme Petazzoni
2014-01-16 22:55:03 UTC

What's the exact command-line that you're using, what does your network
setup look like, and what's the exact command that you use to start your
test container?

Thank you!
Post by Lars-Erik Helander
I am trying to assign a specific ip network to be used for containers
using the -bip option when starting the docker daemon.
The docker program (version 0.7.3) do not assign containers with
ipadresses from the network specified via the bip command.
Could anyone provide a working example where the bip option is used?
@jpetazzo <https://twitter.com/jpetazzo>
Latest blog post: http://jpetazzo.github.io/2013/12/07/pxe-netboot-docker/
Lars-Erik Helander
2014-01-17 00:13:08 UTC
I have tried various ways to start the docker daemon:

docker -d -bip=
docker -d -bip=
docker -d -bip=""
docker -d -bip=""

My host has one physical ethernet port, assigned to There are a number of other (non-docker) host on the network.

My test container is started using

docker run -t -i busybox /bin/sh

Jérôme Petazzoni
2014-03-01 02:54:36 UTC

Sorry for the late answer, but then again, someone might hit this problem
as well...
If the docker0 bridge already exists, the -bip option has no effect.
Try to:
- shutdown Docker
- destroy docker0 ("ip link del docker0")
- restart Docker ("docker -d -bip=")

Note that you should specify a netmask, and you shouldn't specify the
network address.

Post by Lars-Erik Helander
docker -d -bip=
docker -d -bip=
docker -d -bip=""
docker -d -bip=""
My host has one physical ethernet port, assigned to There
are a number of other (non-docker) host on the network.
My test container is started using
docker run -t -i busybox /bin/sh
@jpetazzo <https://twitter.com/jpetazzo>
Latest blog post: